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If you don't find the answer to your question, feel free to contact us.
About The Paintings
How are your paintings different from posters, prints and transfers?
We only sell 100% handmade oil paintings, hand painted by our experienced artists. All our paintings are oil on canvas genuine masterpieces and each stroke, texture and nuance is created by hand - in the same way the original paintings were created. They are not prints, not paint on prints, not image to canvas transfers, not giclee, or any other printing and transfer processes.
What's the process?
As we produce paintings, not prints, it is actually quite complicated. You can see a detailed description here.
Can I purchase original paintings?
We can create original paintings from your photographs.
Does the painting on your site accurately represent what I will be sent?
We strive for a high degree of paintings accuracy. However, in some cases, the visual representation may be approximate. If you are not satisfied with the painting you receive, you may return it within 45 days for a refund.
How accurate are the item dimensions listed on your web pages?
We verifies the dimensions of all paintings on our site, but due to industry standards sizes can vary slightly up to (1 1/2"). If you are not satisfied with the painting you receive, you may return it within 45 days for a refund.
Will your artist sign the painting?
No - by default our paintings aren't signed by the artist. However, if you like, you can request us to sign it.
Are your reproductions copyrighted works?
Every painting in our gallery is either in the public domain or being sold under license from the estate of the artist. There's no need to worry about copyright infringement. If you find on our database a work of art which you suspect as being unlicensed, please notify us immediately.
Shipping & Delivery
How much will shipping cost?
We offer free shipping on all orders to worldwide .
What type of packaging do you use?
Unframed items are rolled and packaged in bubble and plastic tubes which are specially designed for shipping oil paintings for package.
Framed items are covered securely and placed in adjustable corrugated inserts that lock the frame in position.
How do I track my order?
You can quickly check the status of a current order with your order number and email address. As soon as your art ships, we'll send you a confirmation email that includes a tracking number.
Is my package insured?
We guarantees your satisfaction and we will give you a refund or a replacement for purchased items you are not satisfied with. In the remote event that your package is lost or damaged upon arrival, please contact us.
How do I place an order?
Add the product(s) you wish to order in your shopping cart by clicking on the "Add to Cart" button located next to the product image. When you're ready to complete your order, click "Continue Checkout" from within your cart and follow the instructions.
What payment options do you accept?
We accept credit cards or PayPal.
Can I see the painting before shipping?
Of course. Before shipping , we will email you a digital photograph of the painting. You can look at the image and ask for revisions or approve the image for shipping.
How do I find a specific item from your catalog?
Enter the exact name of the artwork into the search box that appears at the top of each page.
What is your return policy?
We know you will be 100% satisfied with your artwork! That is the reason why we offer 100% money-back guarantee policy. If you receive your painting and do not like the quality of the physical product for any reason, you may return it within 45 days of receipt and receive a free replacement or a full refund for the price of the product. There is no charge for the return and replacement of the painting. Customer shall be responsible for only the pay for the return shipping. Refunds will be issued within 5 working days of receipt of your painting.