Due to the expiration of copyright, each image displayed on the concerned website is either under the public domain or licensed. This applies to Canada, the United States, and the European Union along with the countries possessing copyright term of life as well as author plus seventy years.
Nevertheless, there are more than 300,000 pictures in our database and it's prone to errors! Upon finding any copyright protection-relevant image, you must contact us as soon as possible in order of removing the image. Found in our database, a copyrighted picture would be deleted because Nice Art Galley respects copyright laws.
Custom Orders
In terms of a custom order, it must be certified from you; you are in the possession of relevant copyrights for pictures’ reproduction provided by you (picture comes under public domain and you are permitted to re-create it) also, you re bestowing the production right to us now.
We paint derivative works on behalf of consumers on the basis of images given by them or masterpieces stock images under the public domain. Due to not being photographic reproductions, our artworks will be different in terms of size, brushstrokes, signature as well as other details. The responsibility of making sure that the picture falls under the public domain must utilize under fair use provisions or that if any copyright permit is provided; stays with the consumer.