Robert the Elder Havell Paintings

Robert Havell the Elder was born in 1769 in Reading, Berkshire, England. He was an English engraver, printer, and publisher, well-known for his contributions to the world of printmaking in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Havell came from a family with a strong background in the arts; his father, Daniel Havell, was also an engraver, which greatly influenced his career path.

Havell initially established his reputation through his work on aquatints, a type of fine art printmaking technique that allowed for the creation of prints with rich, watercolor-like textures. This was particularly popular for reproducing landscapes and other scenic artworks. One of the most significant projects he undertook was the publication of a series of aquatints titled 'Picturesque Views of the River Thames,' which showcased the beauty of the Thames River and its surroundings.

In 1813, Robert Havell the Elder partnered with his son, Robert Havell Jr., who was also an accomplished artist and engraver. Together, they ran a successful print shop in London, known for producing high-quality prints and engravings. One of their most famous collaborations was with the American ornithologist and painter John James Audubon, on the 'Birds of America' series. While Robert Havell Jr. is often credited with the actual engraving work for this monumental project, the elder Havell played a crucial role in its publication and distribution.

Robert Havell the Elder's contributions to the art world extended beyond his printmaking. He was involved in the artistic community of his time, supporting and promoting the work of other artists. Despite facing financial difficulties at various points in his career, his dedication to the arts and his skill as an engraver left a lasting legacy.

Havell died in 1832, leaving behind a body of work that continues to be celebrated for its technical skill and artistic beauty. His legacy is also carried on through the works of his son, Robert Havell Jr., who became one of the most prominent engravers of his time, especially known for his role in bringing Audubon's 'Birds of America' to the public.