Marcus Elieser Bloch was a German physician and naturalist, renowned for his work in ichthyology, the study of fish. Born in 1723 in Ansbach, then part of the Holy Roman Empire, Bloch initially pursued a career in medicine. However, his passion for the natural sciences, particularly ichthyology, led him to become one of the most distinguished naturalists of his time.
Bloch practiced medicine in Berlin, but his interest in natural history saw him collecting fish specimens from various parts of the world. He is best known for his monumental work, 'Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Fische' (General Natural History of Fishes), which was published in twelve volumes between 1782 and 1795. This work was a comprehensive treatment of fish species known at the time and was notable for its detailed illustrations, many of which were color plates that set a new standard for accuracy and artistic quality in the depiction of fishes.
The latter part of Bloch's life was dedicated almost entirely to his natural history studies. His work provided a foundation for future ichthyological research and taxonomy. His collection of fish specimens became one of the most significant of the era and was later acquired by the University of Berlin. Marcus Elieser Bloch died in 1799 in Karlsruhe, leaving behind a legacy as a pioneer in the field of fish study and natural history illustration.