Hans August Lasser Paintings

Hans August Lasser was an Austrian artist known for his contributions to painting and graphic arts. Born on September 3, 1880, in Vienna, Austria, Lasser showed an early interest in art and pursued his passion with dedication. His upbringing in the culturally rich city of Vienna, which was a hub for artists, musicians, and writers at the turn of the century, provided him with ample inspiration and opportunities to develop his artistic skills.

Lasser's style was influenced by the prevailing art movements of his time, including Art Nouveau and Symbolism. He was particularly adept at capturing the human form, with a focus on expressive lines and a keen sense of composition. His works often reflected the psychological states of his subjects, which was a hallmark of many artists working in Vienna during that period.

Throughout his career, Lasser participated in numerous exhibitions and garnered a respectable following. His artwork was appreciated for its emotional depth and technical proficiency. However, like many artists of his era, Lasser's work was overshadowed by the larger figures of the time, such as Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele, who dominated the Viennese art scene.

After a long and productive career, Hans August Lasser passed away on March 3, 1957. He left behind a body of work that, while not as widely recognized as some of his contemporaries, contributes to the rich tapestry of Austrian art history. His paintings and prints continue to be studied and appreciated by art historians and collectors, offering insights into the artistic climate of early 20th-century Vienna.