Allen William Seaby Paintings

Allen William Seaby, born in 1867, was a British artist, illustrator, color woodcut printmaker, and writer. He was a significant figure in the revival of the color woodcut using the Japanese method in England. Seaby was also a Professor of Fine Art at the University of Reading, where he taught for many years.

Seaby's artistic career was marked by his passion for both the British countryside and the art of printmaking. Influenced by the Japanese ukiyo-e style of woodblock printing, he adapted its techniques to depict the British landscape and its wildlife, particularly birds. His prints are characterized by their delicate use of color and composition, which often reflect a peaceful harmony with nature.

Aside from his prints, Seaby also authored and illustrated a number of books, including 'Art in the Life of Mankind', a series of children's books on nature, and several influential texts on the art of woodcut printmaking. His book 'Colour Printing with Linoleum and Wood Blocks' is considered one of the seminal works on the subject.

Throughout his life, Allen Seaby was dedicated to teaching and sharing his knowledge and love for art. His teachings and writings have inspired many students and artists who have followed in his footsteps. He passed away in 1953, leaving behind a legacy as a pioneer of the color woodcut and as an educator who had a profound impact on the arts community.