(follower of) Mutter, Jan Harmensz. Paintings

The artist known as 'follower of Mutter, Jan Harmensz' does not directly correspond to a widely recognized historical figure in the art world based on the provided information. The term 'follower of' typically indicates an artist or a group of artists who were influenced by or worked in the style of a more prominent master, without necessarily having a direct personal or tutelage connection. In the case of Jan Harmensz. Mutter, there seems to be a mix-up or a lack of specificity, as there is no well-documented artist by this name known to have had a significant following or school. It's possible that the name is misspelled, partially incorrect, or refers to a lesser-known or regional artist whose history has not been widely documented or studied in mainstream art historical scholarship.

Without specific birth and death dates, or a detailed biography for Jan Harmensz. Mutter, it's challenging to provide a conventional biography. The historical record of art is vast and not fully explored; many artists and their followers remain lesser-known or under-researched. Followers of a particular artist often adapted their mentor's techniques, subjects, and styles, sometimes making it difficult to distinguish between the works of the master and the pupil. These followers played a crucial role in the dissemination of artistic styles and techniques across regions and generations.

In general, the study of followers and their contributions to art history is important for understanding the spread of artistic movements and the evolution of styles. It can also shed light on the teaching methods of the master artists and the social networks that formed around them. However, without more specific information, it's challenging to provide a more detailed account of the followers of Jan Harmensz. Mutter or their contributions to the art world.