Copper Pans Paintings
A Larder Still Life, With
Farmyard Fowl, A Turkey, Pigeons, A Plover, Duck, A Starling, Partridge
And Snipe, With Game And Songbirds And Rabbits Suspended From Nails, A
Rib Of Beef, Grapes And An Artichoke, With Copper Pans, Watched By A
Couple Se
A Larder Still Life, With
Farmyard Fowl, A Turkey, Pigeons, A Plover, Duck, A Starling, Partridge
And Snipe, With Game And Songbirds And Rabbits Suspended From Nails, A
Rib Of Beef, Grapes And An Artichoke, With Copper Pans, Watched By A
Couple Se