Carnations Paintings
Roses, Carnations, Lilies, Figs, Peaches, Plums, Lemons, Artichokes, Cherries, Other Fruit And Two Dead Hares In A Wooded Clearing, By A Fountain
Roses, Carnations, Lilies, Figs, Peaches, Plums, Lemons, Artichokes, Cherries, Other Fruits And Two Dead Hares In A Wooded Clearing, By A Fountain
A Crown Imperial Lily, Tulips, Irises, Roses, Carnations, Aquilegia, Fritillaries And Other Flowers In A Sculpted Urn, With Seashells On A Stone Ledge, A Lizard, A Caterpillar, Red Admirals, A Dragonfly And A Bee, A Curtain Draped Above